Upon further investigation, I think this is caused by my use of routable types as non-routing overlays on roundabouts. When I stop using them, the problem goes away.

Strange that this didn't cause a problem with earlier mkgmap builds.


On 19 June 2013 20:27, Steve Brophy <steve.brophy@gmail.com> wrote:
I have recently noticed a problem when following routes or tracks on my 800, with turn guidance turned on. Sometimes, the calculated route diverges from the gpx track and road, and makes a straight line to somewhere further on. The attached screenshot shows an example.

I build my own maps, and noticed this problem with mkgmap-r2643.  When I build a map with mkgmap-r2585 (the most recent older version I have), I do not see this problem. If someone can point me at any intermediate versions (I don't build mkgmap from source), then I can try and narrow down when the problem first occurs.
