Hi WanMil,
> > Any idea?
> I think the problem does not exist in the current quad tree because the
> areas are splitted into subareas. This also reduces the number of points
> and makes it quicker and easier to test. You could get the number of
> points from the boundary and decide if an area should be splitted into
> subareas. It would also be possible to save the splitted subareas as
> precompiled bounds. If your grid always have the same dimension this
> might improve the handling.
Okay, it seems I have to look more closely to this. I did not understand that our quadtree allows to save areas (shapes).
Or did I get this wrong?
Splitting into subareas seems also to be a good option.
> You might also remove the merge step. For most tiles more than one
> precompiled file is loaded. The bounds are merged afterwards. This step
> sounds superfluous as the LocationHook only checks if one point of a way
> is in the boundary and not for all points. Therefore it is not necessary
> to have the boundary area as one complete area object.
Okay, I'll look at this as well.
Thanks for your help!