Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
On 5 Sep 2009, at 9:15 , Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

Hi Mark

On 05/09/09 11:44, Mark Burton wrote:
Playing with my shiny new Nuvi 255, I notice that it can route across
an OSM map of the UK pretty well. It can find long routes
reasonably quickly. In comparison, mapsource 6.13.6 often fails to
determine a route at all and when it does it is rather slow about it.
Previously someone claimed that on mapsource you needed a routable
basemap to get good inter-tile routing, but that on a GPS device you
don't. As the basemap is not sent to the device that makes sense.

Not sure about Mapsource. Roadmap for Mac has the basemap. But still  
routing doesn't work as good as on the Vista. Wild guess the Vista  
uses the basemap but Roadmap doesn't.
On the other hand the device may already have a routable base map  
and so
perhaps it uses that if it has one and is the source of the   

I know that on my Legend Cx which does not have a UK base map I do not
get very good routing across tiles.

does anyone know how to disable the basemap on a Vista?
Another wild guess can it be that Garmin adjusts the basemap names/ 
boundary nodes .... with their map products on tile boundaries to help  

Really disabling is impossible. What is possible to flash a non routable US Basemap which you include in firmware. To go back do the same for the european basemap.
I once flashed my hometile of OSM. You can put maps up to around 12Mb as Basemap.
Doing such things is however very prone to sending your GPS into Walhalla.

Most of this stuff has been found out by the eastern groups of sellers of imported Garmin units and pirated maps.

 There is even a way to flash your serial number (and thereby takeover Garmin Accounts from other people) I have not yet seen such a tool in the wild, only pics with range of units with identical serial number that I take for not faked judging the people who have published them. I am sure they use this to sell you "orignial European units" as the serial number should usually be enough to send the gps to German support (instead of having to send it to Garmin UK). Too bad that those groups not start hacking the firmware to offer some needed functions (e.g. reading tracks from SD, or optimising the routing algorithm for offroad navigation) but only focus on cracking for commercial success.

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