Quoting Felix Hartmann <>:

Just to add to my previous "bug" report, ref should be clipped to have
only ONE letter preceding the number, otherwise it is dropped for
highway:symbol boxes. (at least neither displayed in Mapsource nor on my
Vista HCx). Also letters following numbers have to be kept to one letter
Good: L999A
Good: L999
Good: 999A
Good: 99

(actually it would be great if there were a possibility to drop "ref=0"
- never seen it in reality, but often placed in map data for streets
without reference at all)
Incorrect: EV6 --> should be clipped to E6 (better than not displaying
it at all I think)
Incorrect: 6EV --> should be clipped to 6E
Incorrect:EV6EV --> should be clipped to E6E

(this ads to the bug that the ref must be put before the name of the
street, which is really lousy for the address search).

Good Night,
France has a lot of roads named (for example) D32E5, or D13E7.  How  
are these being treated at the moment?
I don't know. You could try it out...

I just noticed that :box and :hbox are strict about the content. The above "incorrect" examples DO work however for :oval. So now I have to rethink how to structure it as long as we have no clipping.