Since this topic has been raised I checked my style files and can find many uses of the word "motorcar" in various access rules. But that brings up the question of how the term "motor_vehicle" relates to it.
I had assumed the definition of motor_vehicle would include all powered vehicles: cars, trucks, hgv, motorcycles, etc.
while motorcar refers to only passenger cars. But that isn't clear in the "access" style file.
I ask because I am confused by line 29, where it seems my assumption is reversed because the value for motor_vehicle is being transferred to the motorcar tag :
Line 29: motor_vehicle=* { add motorcar='${motor_vehicle}'; add goods='${motor_vehicle}'; add hgv='${motor_vehicle}'; add psv='${motor_vehicle}'; add emergency='${motor_vehicle}'; }
And also this comment:
Line 46: # Therefore we have to choose one vehicle type - and the winner is: motorcar
After which access is set for a range of situations all involving the term "motorcar"
Can someone take a few minutes to explain these rules?