Mark Burton wrote:
Hi Felix,

Can't notice any difference to v1.

OK - thanks.

BTW - Is it possible that there is a difference with the douglas peucker 
filter whether a road is routable or not?

Yes, looking at the code, it seems that it doesn't change points that
are routing nodes so routable ways will be "less smooth" than
non-routable ways.

yeah - the problem is not really one being smoother than the other, but the ways being different. So if I use the multiple_elements_patch only one "line" will be routable, whereas the copies are not routable. As I wan't to display the ways side-by-side the further one zooms out, the more the ways are apart from each other, or overlapping. At resolution 22 this effect is barely noticeable, on 20 it is okay, but on 18 it really gets distracting. Also roads running parallel to rivers often get inside the river because of this. For me in practice on bicycle/mtb/foot this does not matter much because I rarely use resolution 20 or lower, but I assume that for carrouting on a motorway it would be nicer to have all ways "smoothed" the same. Might be a bit difficult to change however I think, because this would need additional calculation time for non routable ways to know which nodes would be routing nodes in case a line is not routable.

I think it is possible that non routable ways are smoothed heftier than 
routable ways. This has nothing to do with this patch though, but the 
difference only seems to become really visible on resolution <20
(maybe resolution 24 is filtered if not routable, but not filtered if 
routable. Then the more filtering is applied on each successive level, 
the bigger the difference).

It think the DP filter does nothing at res 24 whether the way is
routable or not.

Also I noticed that cgpsmapper maps, seem to have much higher smoothing 
at lower resolutions compared to mkgmap (using 2.6). At resolution 24 
and 22 it seem to be mostly identical though. Maybe we could also 
increase the douglas peucker severity on resolution <20 compared to 
right now. Even with very few lines mkgmap maps seem slow on GPS on 
resolution 16 or 18.

That's worth experimenting with. 

Perhaps Johann can comment on this, he's the original author of the DP


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