I just thought about it - could it be related to multi word street search? Maybe what works for multi word street search is not possible for old type POI search? So it is the multi word stuff that got introduced for roads that causes the crashes in Basecamp (not sure about what happens on devices - will check that out later).
--add-pois-to-areas --pois-to-areas-placement=entrance=main;entrance=yes;building=entrance;barrier=entrance --link-pois-to-ways --location-autofill=bounds,is_in,nearest and of coure --index are the most relevant to this thread options I am using.

On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 10:49, Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com> wrote:
Even though Gerd also speaks German, I think its better to continue in English. I am quite sure that this is the same bug then. Your map does not crash because it find another POI first. I also sometimes have two POI for the same thing - one for finding it via a category POI search, the other for the symbol in the map. I do wonder if you have two POI the order in the style matters? If you change the order they are created - does it crash?

Could it be that only 0x1234 POI are affected, but the newer 0x12345 types not? As soon as it finds 0x12345 it does not crash?

Lets take Verbier Village - it is not a ciy POI

I use: highway=bus_stop | amenity=bus_stop | highway=busstop | amenity=busstop | railway=bus_stop {set name='bus_stop ${name}' | 'bus_stop' } [0x2f17 resolution 24]
for that one. 

Cold de Jaman
I have the rule:
0x1c01 resolution 24 continue]
[0x11607 resolution 20-21 continue]
[0x1151f resolution 22-22 continue
 [0x1151f resolution 23-24]]

However the first one in my map obviously is 0x1c01 - an old type.

The other ones are a bit bad examples I noticed - because there exists several entries in osm data that could be found with identical name. However I have found no actual city only poi where it crashes - Saas Fee also has other POI named the same. So maybe they cause a crash. 

On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 10:25, Thomas Morgenstern <webmaster@img2ms.de> wrote:
Kann sein, dass es am Style liegt. Ich nutze meinen eigenen Style, der z.B einen zusätzlichen POI für Städte einfügt. ich fand vor geraumer Zeit, dass Städte in der MDR nicht eingebbar sind, wenn der String Leerzeichen enthält. Dazu hatte ich auch in der mailinglist gepostet. Hr.Petermann sagte damals, das die MDR für Städte aber nicht anpassbar sei. deshalb hat bei mir jede Stadt noch einen zusätzlichen POI einer anderen Kategorie.

Am 02.06.2021 um 09:07 schrieb Felix Hartmann:
Very strange - I also tested this on "Frezeitkarte" Schweiz and it crashed too. It usually does not crash if you before had a non crash search.

On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 08:35, Thomas Morgenstern <webmaster@img2ms.de> wrote:
Kann ich nicht bestätigen, alle hier genannten Suchen sind erfolgreich ohne Abstutz. BC Ver 4.7.0 und eigene OSM map

Am 01.06.2021 um 22:32 schrieb Felix Hartmann:
A user of my maps just told me that there are some crashes in the Basecamp search. There is a clear pattern - only search phrases of minimum 2 words with a space between cause crashes.

I tested it on my maps, and on other mkgmap created maps and the crashes are more or less happening on all maps.

For Switzerland some places causing crashes:
Verbier Village
Saas Fee
Col de Jaman
Pic chaussy
Pic chosy

2) the search must be the first from BC execution
3) if a good search already has been executed (single word), then the crash rarely occurs

Not happening with Garmin's own maps. The more entries (POIs) of the name exist - the more likely? Seems to happen more often in the French part of Switzerland compared to the Garmin part. But as many words like Saas Fee do not contain any special characters - I do not think it is related to any codepage problem.
Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org