Unfortunately older mkgmap versions showed the same behaviour, only smaller grey tiles. I've  noticed that my other Germany Benelux map from last week had similar issue, only those greay tiles were not so big as in the video. Now I have tested 4048 again but with slithly modified dem distances. That grey area seems gone, but I got something weird in return 😉 see attachment. It seems all happening in the same area, around Tournai. I've uploaded this tile here http://mijndev.openstreetmap.nl/~ligfietser/mkgmap/

My values are now:
dem-dists: 3312,3312,9936,13248,26512

Van: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> namens Frank Stinner <Frank.Stinner@kabelmail.de>
Verzonden: zaterdag 13 januari 2018 05:09:35
Aan: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Onderwerp: Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap r4048 seems to fix problem with hill shading
Hi Gerd,

yes, at first we have to identify the maptile. Perhaps can Minko help. Thats a "trial and error" play. Perhaps with comment out in areas.list?

You ask for the input format? It's an ordinary textfile. One text-line for one data-line. The values in a line are separated by space, comma,
semicolon or tab. If this file have q.e. 200 x 150 values, create BuildDEMFile 3 x 4 DEM-Tiles.

As next i extract with the simple perl-script extracttiles.pl a range of tiles, encode this whith

BuildDEMFile --dem="%TESTMAPDIR%\Product1\99950001\99950001.DEM" -O --data=dem.data --lastcolstd=false --left=0 --top=0.999991893768310546875
--dlon=0.0003 --dlat=0.0003

and see on the testmap 99950001.osm, what's going on. It's only "trial and error".


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