Has the version with 'include' been committed yet?

On 13/09/2012 22:21, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
On 05/09/12 15:27, Felix Hartmann wrote:
So you could decide to either include a file containing several sections
(so you can have section XY1 section XY2 and so on, for one layout, and
section XX1 XX2 for another layout)
include the full content from a file.
I don't really want to add sections to an individual file. It is 
perfectly possible to create a directory with several files. Eg: you
could have a roads 'file' with car and foot sections like so:

  include "include/roads/car";
  include "include/roads/foot";

I have now added the ability to include from a builtin style so you can do:

  include lines from default;

which will include all lines from the default style.

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Roger Calvert