Am I alone with the problem that for any country the unification of countries to a single choice in address search is not fully working?

e.g. in Austria I get:
Österreich (AUT) --- most addresses are found under this entry.
Austria (AT)  // AT (Austria)-- nearly no addresses found here - but it exists so some addresses are classified like this
Aut -- find every result twice - but in essence it's the same as Österreich (AUT)

I thought

    <country name="Österreich" abr="AUT" streetBeforeHousenumber="true" postalcodeBeforeCity="true">

in locatorconfig.xml should solve this. How is it possible that I do get addresses in the wrong country? In Canada i.e. it's really bad.

Felix Hartman - &
Floragasse 9/11
1040 Wien
Austria - Österreich