Looking closer, I think it should be able to pick up the country from the is_in:country tag, which is often set on cities and states. 

The address rules contain:
# first set the country code
mkgmap:country!=* & mkgmap:admin_level2=* { set mkgmap:country='${mkgmap:admin_level2}' }
mkgmap:country!=* & addr:country=* { set mkgmap:country='${addr:country}' }
mkgmap:country!=* & is_in:country=* { set mkgmap:country='${is_in:country}' }

An example city is Danbury:
which has the country set:
I think it should be picking up the country from these tags. I'll have to run some tests to see why this isn't happening.


On Thu Oct 30 2014 at 8:23:54 AM Brian Egge <brianegge@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu Oct 30 2014 at 6:24:48 AM Andrzej Popowski <popej@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:

 > I fear the meanings of the --country-xxx options are not well
 > documented.

I have once tried to find what are they for but failed. I would suggest
to not use --country-xxx or --region-xxx in command line options. I
think the real definitions are inside style, see include/address file:
# United States
mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:region!=* & mkgmap:admin_level4=* { set
mkgmap:region='${mkgmap:admin_level4}' }

I think that setting country or region in options can damage these
rules. Or create some inconsistency in map.

Best regards,
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