Hi Andrzej,

> I have tried v3 and I haven't found any problems yet. Shape of roads is
> correct, opposite cycleways are created, long distance routing works in
> BaseCamp.

fine :-)

> I wasn't able to create bicycle route on opposite cycleway in BaseCamp
> but it works in Mapsource.

I'll try that tomorrow.
> I have noticed one unexpected effect. Tiles in England are marked as ZIP
> after city while tiles in France get ZIP before city flag. I can't guess
> what is controlling this flag. Is it style dependent or hard-coded?
> Anyway, would be grate if you could add the same support for
> dirve-on-left flag.

The configuration file is mkgmap\resources\LocatorConfig.xml ,
search for streetBeforeHousenumber and postalcodeBeforeCity.
I think it is okay to use that also for drive-on-left flag.
This was discussed before, the problem is that one tile
can contain different settings, and we do not (yet) support
polygons for boundaries.
I've also noticed a discussion about the tag driving_side, see
