Hi Henning,

please try r332:

The osm ways must have a tag name and a tag mapid.
This is how it works:
1) read the osm ways, create one polygon for each OSM way
2) combine all polygons (this may create "islands")
3) use this combined polygon as if it was read with the --polygon-file option
4) split
5) for each named polygon, create the files
optional: <name>-<kml-file>.kml

Attached is your examle and the output files created for an older Europe densities.txt.


Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 12:24:49 +0200
From: osm@aighes.de
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes multipolygon-tags

Hash: SHA1

Hi Gerd,

I created a example based on my map of Germany (highway=motorway) and
Alps (highway=primary).

My thoughts are, that splitter creates based on these two polygons
three temporary polygons. One containing area only touched by Germany
(landuse=forest), one containing area only touched by Alps
(landuse=farmland) and one containing area touched by both

The result will be three list of tiles. The naming of tiles isn't

Also splitter should output two templates.args (for each input-poly
one), as you already wrote. The file for Germany should contain all
tiles in forest-area and military-area, the file for Alps military and


Am 11.05.2014 11:25, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
> Hi Henning,
> don't worry, splitter already contains a lot of code that is only
> needed for the handling of overlapping tiles. I am not sure if I
> got it right what you mean in your example. Would it be okay to
> calculate the tiles for Germany and write them, and in a final pass
> find all tiles which overlap the polygon for Hessen and copy those
> with the mapids for Hessen? Or could splitter just create a
> templates.Hessen.args containing something like mapname: 10000001
> input-file: 110000092.o5m mapname: 10000002 input-file:
> 110000093.o5m mapname: 10000003 input-file: 110000094.o5m mapname:
> 10000004 input-file: 110000098.o5m mapname: 10000005 input-file:
> 110000112.o5m
> This would safe some GB disk IO.
> Gerd
>> Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:15:29 +0200 From: osm@aighes.de To:
>> mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter
>> removes multipolygon-tags
> Hi Gerd,
> the flexibility is, that I actually can just add new areas to my
> areas.list and don't have to care about anything. If mkgmap throws
> out a warning about too many nodes in a tile, I let splitter create
> a new areas.list for the region and I can continue.
> In the new workflow I then have to adjust the script, which copies
> the multiple used tiles.
> It would be very helpful, if splitter can do the copying of tiles.
> Splitter detects overlapping areas in areas.list and handles these
> regions as a own polygon and is writing tiles for each map, which
> touches the overlapping area.
> So for example, if a split a map of Hessen (10000000) and a map of
> Germany (11000000), splitter will use a polygon of Germany with a
> hole at the place where Hessen-poly-file has a coverage and
> Hessen-polygon.
> So the resulting areas.list could looks like:
> 11000001;10000001: .... 11000002: ....
> So splitter is able to write the data of a tile in Hessen to the
> map of Hessen and to the map of Germany.
> Maybe such a system is a better and more robust solution then
> handling overlapping tiles. But I don't want to made you code that
> only for me.
> Henning
> Am 11.05.2014 10:49, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>> can you describe what flexibility you are loosing? Could
>>>> splitter be improved ?
>>>> Gerd
>>>>> Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:46:31 +0200 From: osm@aighes.de
>>>>> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk Subject: Re:
>>>>> [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes multipolygon-tags
>>>> Hi Gerd, this is, what I'm thinking about to do, but on the
>>>> other hand I'm loosing the actual flexibility. I think I will
>>>> give it a try and will see, how it works.
>>>> Henning
>>>> Am 11.05.2014 08:24, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
>>>>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>>>>> If you don't mind to have a map of e.g. Germany which
>>>>>>> also contains small parts of other areas, I think the
>>>>>>> fastest way is this:
>>>>>>> combine your *.poly files so that you have one
>>>>>>> henning.poly that contains the areas for which you want
>>>>>>> to create maps. Execute splitter with
>>>>>>> --polygon-file=henning.poly --max-nodes=...
>>>>>>> --stop-after=split --write-kml=splitter.kml planet.o5m
>>>>>>> If you have an actual densitites_out.txt for planet,
>>>>>>> you can also copy it to the working directory and
>>>>>>> rename it to densities.txt. Splitter will use this file
>>>>>>> instead of reading the planet.o5m, and the program
>>>>>>> finishes within seconds.
>>>>>>> As a result you have a kml file and an areas.list. The
>>>>>>> next step would be to re-combine the areas so that they
>>>>>>> build the maps that you want to create.
>>>>>>> If you need the same tile for two maps, but with
>>>>>>> different mapids, I suggest to copy the output file of
>>>>>>> splitter. Maybe a small script is needed to perform
>>>>>>> this step.
>>>>>>> Gerd
>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 20:31:51 +0200 From:
>>>>>>>> osm@aighes.de To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes
>>>>>>>> multipolygon-tags
>>>>>>>> Hi Gerd, ok, so my next step will be to optimize my
>>>>>>>> tiles.
>>>>>>>> Henning
>>>>>>>> Am 10.05.2014 17:27, schrieb GerdP:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>>>>>>> I did not try what happens when 5 tiles overlap the
>>>>>>>>> same point, but it should work. As I said, you
>>>>>>>>> should try to avoid that, as each tile will require
>>>>>>>>> the complete reading of the input file.
>>>>>>>>> Gerd
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