The osm ways must have a tag name and a tag mapid.
Attached is your examle and the output files created for an older Europe densities.txt.
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 12:24:49 +0200
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes multipolygon-tags
Hash: SHA1
Hi Gerd,
I created a example based on my map of Germany (highway=motorway) and
Alps (highway=primary).
My thoughts are, that splitter creates based on these two polygons
three temporary polygons. One containing area only touched by Germany
(landuse=forest), one containing area only touched by Alps
(landuse=farmland) and one containing area touched by both
The result will be three list of tiles. The naming of tiles isn't
Also splitter should output two templates.args (for each input-poly
one), as you already wrote. The file for Germany should contain all
tiles in forest-area and military-area, the file for Alps military and
Am 11.05.2014 11:25, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
> Hi Henning,
> don't worry, splitter already contains a lot of code that is only
> needed for the handling of overlapping tiles. I am not sure if I
> got it right what you mean in your example. Would it be okay to
> calculate the tiles for Germany and write them, and in a final pass
> find all tiles which overlap the polygon for Hessen and copy those
> with the mapids for Hessen? Or could splitter just create a
> templates.Hessen.args containing something like mapname: 10000001
> input-file: 110000092.o5m mapname: 10000002 input-file:
> 110000093.o5m mapname: 10000003 input-file: 110000094.o5m mapname:
> 10000004 input-file: 110000098.o5m mapname: 10000005 input-file:
> 110000112.o5m
> This would safe some GB disk IO.
> Gerd
>> Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:15:29 +0200 From: To:
>> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter
>> removes multipolygon-tags
> Hi Gerd,
> the flexibility is, that I actually can just add new areas to my
> areas.list and don't have to care about anything. If mkgmap throws
> out a warning about too many nodes in a tile, I let splitter create
> a new areas.list for the region and I can continue.
> In the new workflow I then have to adjust the script, which copies
> the multiple used tiles.
> It would be very helpful, if splitter can do the copying of tiles.
> Splitter detects overlapping areas in areas.list and handles these
> regions as a own polygon and is writing tiles for each map, which
> touches the overlapping area.
> So for example, if a split a map of Hessen (10000000) and a map of
> Germany (11000000), splitter will use a polygon of Germany with a
> hole at the place where Hessen-poly-file has a coverage and
> Hessen-polygon.
> So the resulting areas.list could looks like:
> 11000001;10000001: .... 11000002: ....
> So splitter is able to write the data of a tile in Hessen to the
> map of Hessen and to the map of Germany.
> Maybe such a system is a better and more robust solution then
> handling overlapping tiles. But I don't want to made you code that
> only for me.
> Henning
> Am 11.05.2014 10:49, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>> can you describe what flexibility you are loosing? Could
>>>> splitter be improved ?
>>>> Gerd
>>>>> Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:46:31 +0200 From:
>>>>> To: Subject: Re:
>>>>> [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes multipolygon-tags
>>>> Hi Gerd, this is, what I'm thinking about to do, but on the
>>>> other hand I'm loosing the actual flexibility. I think I will
>>>> give it a try and will see, how it works.
>>>> Henning
>>>> Am 11.05.2014 08:24, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
>>>>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>>>>> If you don't mind to have a map of e.g. Germany which
>>>>>>> also contains small parts of other areas, I think the
>>>>>>> fastest way is this:
>>>>>>> combine your *.poly files so that you have one
>>>>>>> henning.poly that contains the areas for which you want
>>>>>>> to create maps. Execute splitter with
>>>>>>> --polygon-file=henning.poly --max-nodes=...
>>>>>>> --stop-after=split --write-kml=splitter.kml planet.o5m
>>>>>>> If you have an actual densitites_out.txt for planet,
>>>>>>> you can also copy it to the working directory and
>>>>>>> rename it to densities.txt. Splitter will use this file
>>>>>>> instead of reading the planet.o5m, and the program
>>>>>>> finishes within seconds.
>>>>>>> As a result you have a kml file and an areas.list. The
>>>>>>> next step would be to re-combine the areas so that they
>>>>>>> build the maps that you want to create.
>>>>>>> If you need the same tile for two maps, but with
>>>>>>> different mapids, I suggest to copy the output file of
>>>>>>> splitter. Maybe a small script is needed to perform
>>>>>>> this step.
>>>>>>> Gerd
>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 20:31:51 +0200 From:
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter removes
>>>>>>>> multipolygon-tags
>>>>>>>> Hi Gerd, ok, so my next step will be to optimize my
>>>>>>>> tiles.
>>>>>>>> Henning
>>>>>>>> Am 10.05.2014 17:27, schrieb GerdP:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Henning,
>>>>>>>>> I did not try what happens when 5 tiles overlap the
>>>>>>>>> same point, but it should work. As I said, you
>>>>>>>>> should try to avoid that, as each tile will require
>>>>>>>>> the complete reading of the input file.
>>>>>>>>> Gerd
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