Unapved Roads
Carpool Lanes
At this time, we don't know how to express those attributes in the
garmin file.
Well, on my Etrex I can tell it to avoid highways when routing and it
will not use any primary or trunk road (don't know about motorways as
none are near to my cycling area).
I tried that and it did not give any sensible results. Furthermore if
you route over longer distances (try 50km) this setting is not applied.
So I especially do not want to use it. Excluding toll ways does work
very well even if you route from Austria to Spain or similar large
distances (with Garmin City Navigator) however.
2. Why are motorways automatically autoroutable, EVEN if I don't assign
road class and speed class to them and exclude them from the routable
type (0x01-0x13), i.e. by attributing them 0x29! This is really annoying
because if you built maps for cyclists you want to include motorways,
but don't want them to be autoroutable. The only way I can currently
achieve this is by commanding highway=motorway {set highway=_motorway}
or similar.
I don't even have the motorways in an routable layer. I put them into
their own map creation process without parsing --route.
I create the layers with this command:
java -enableassertions -jar -Xmx6000M
d:\garmin\mkgmap_svn\dist\mkgmap.jar --latin1 --no-sorted-roads
--description=08_openmtbmap_%abr% --style-file=motorway
--country-name=%country% --country-abbr=%abr% --mapname=%mapid%0000
and my main routable layer with this command:
java -enableassertions -jar -Xmx6000M
d:\garmin\mkgmap_svn\dist\mkgmap.jar --latin1 --no-sorted-roads
--style-file=routable --route --country-abbr=%abr%
--country-name=%country% --mapname=%mapid%0100 --%country%*.osm.gz
Sorry, I don't know about that issue.
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