2014-02-19 10:44 GMT+01:00 Steve Ratcliffe <steve@parabola.me.uk>:

is related to uncommon house numbers like 12a, 67/69, etc. When given an
address like Municypalna 12a, Mapsource tries to locate Municypalna 12

Searchable numbers must be just plain numbers (or if not, we don't
know how to implement such things).

What does 67/69 mean? It could be 67 and 69, 67, 68, 69, or building
67 appartment number 69 and interpretation might differ
in different countries. Probably something that can be improved though.


Thanks for explanations :).

Many house numbers in Warsaw are in form "12/18" and "67/69" - this is official building number (not building number slash apartment number). I don't know why.

Pulawska 13 was indeed tagged improperly (should be 113). Thanks for noticing. And thanks for really great work on mkgmap :).

best regards

Michal Rogala