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Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. November 2018 11:00
An: Gerd Petermann
Betreff: AW: AW: [mkgmap-dev] Add a POI to the start of a relation (route:mtb)


Hi Gerd,


you got it.


1-2) I see these Problems also. But there are at least partial goals one could achieve even if the route is incomplete or not sorted:


3) At least the goals as in 1-2 will be reached, in addition mkgmap could check role = Forward/backward to be sure if the end or the beginning of the way is the first node. (if it is way).




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Von: Gerd Petermann
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. November 2018 10:08
Betreff: AW: AW: [mkgmap-dev] Add a POI to the start of a relation (route:mtb)


Hi Andreas,

I see a few problems here:
1) The members might not be sorted
2) The relation might be incomplete. I think splitter would not take care to keep route relations complete, but maybe it does with the right options.
3) The direction of the first way might be wrong, means, the first node is not the start of the route, instead it would be the last node of that way.

For reasonable results you need some logic in a program that "sees" the complete relation. The logic gets more complicated when the route has gaps.
A simple logic would be to assume that the members are sorted and complete. In that case mkgmap could try to check which node of the first member connects to the 2nd member. If it is the first node it would add a POI to the last node, else vice versa. The POI is ignored if it is outside of the tile boundary.
Do you think about something like that?


Von: <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. November 2018 09:44
An: Gerd Petermann
Cc: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: AW: [mkgmap-dev] Add a POI to the start of a relation (route:mtb)

Hi Gerd,

Thx for your answer. I tried this before and it worked for the routes (relations) tagged by myself.

The problem is that most other relations dont have members with role „Start“ (if they have any).

My idea was that mkgmap could set a POI for the Route (Relation). Something like addPOI2routes. It should be set at the first member of the relation. If it is a way the same process like in addpoi2lines could be used.

I found a similar discussion at

No idea what was the conclusion on that.



Am 17.11.2018 um 18:06 schrieb Gerd Petermann <<>>:

Hi Andreas,

sorry, the first post slipped my mind. I didn't try it but I think it should be possible to add a rule to the relations
file with something like
type=route & route=mtb {
apply role=start{
set tmp:mtb_route=true;

Together with --add-pois-to-lines you should find a node with the tag tmp:mtb_route=true
Now you need some more logic like this
tmp:mtb_route=true & (mkgmap:line2poi=true & mkgmap:line2poitype=start | mkgmap:line2poi!=true) [...]
in the points file.


Von: mkgmap-dev <<>> im Auftrag von<> <<>>
Gesendet: Samstag, 17. November 2018 14:47
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Add a POI to the start of a relation (route:mtb)

…no answer to that…
Propably this is not an issue for developers, is there a Group/list to which this issue fits better?



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Gesendet: Montag, 12. November 2018 09:10
An: mkgmap-dev<>; Development list for mkgmap<>
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] Add a POI to the start of a relation (route:mtb)

Hi all,

I would like to add something like a start-flag to mtb-routes containing all the Information of this relation available in OSM (like ascent, descent, distance). I tried addpoi2lines and restrict this to a special member of the relation (like role=start). This works, but the nodes aren`t tagged this way.

Is there a chance to restrict the addpoi2lines to the FIRST member-node of the relation? This would

* Restrict the creation of a POI to only one way of the relation
* Restrict the creation to the start of the relation, assuming the relation is created in the Right order.

Thx for any help,


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