Hi Frank
Thanks for looking into that.
Just discovered what foxed me:
Unusually ,there was no error message telling me that
neither the .hgt nor .zip file were found .
Perhaps, the error message does not occur because I'm using
In which case, it would still be very useful to know if it can't
find .hgt or .zip
This is what I get when I parse the large pbf
-d 37
761652\37761652.DEM --hgtpath=E:\Dem\UK\ --tre=37761652\37761652.TRE
88888888888889 --overwrite=true --usedummydata=true )
BuildDEMFile, Version vom 16.11.2017, Copyright © FSofT 2017
data from TRE file '37761652\37761652.TRE'
5 zoomlevel
number of subtiles 133 x 85 (most right column 95 width, undermost
row 3 height)
left -0.087890625°, top 51.2841796875°, width 2.373046875°, height
pointsize 0.000277777777777778° x 0.000277777777777778°
number of subtiles 66 x 43 (most right column 112 width, undermost
row 2 height)
left -0.087890625°, top 51.2841796875°, width 2.373046875°, height
pointsize 0.000555555555555556° x 0.000555555555555556°
number of subtiles 33 x 22 (most right column 88 width, undermost
row 1 height)
left -0.087890625°, top 51.2841796875°, width 2.373046875°, height
pointsize 0.0011111111111111° x 0.0011111111111111°
number of subtiles 16 x 11 (most right column 108 width, undermost
row 33 height
left -0.087890625°, top 51.2841796875°, width 2.373046875°, height
pointsize 0.0022222222222222° x 0.0022222222222222°
number of subtiles 4 x 3 (most right column 75 width, undermost row
41 height)
left -0.087890625°, top 51.2841796875°, width 2.373046875°, height
pointsize 0.0088888888888889° x 0.0088888888888889°
HGT-Daten lesen ...
Höhen für 0° .. 1° / 50° .. 51° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 0° .. 1° / 49° .. 50° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für -1° .. 0° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 1° .. 2° / 50° .. 51° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 2° .. 3° / 50° .. 51° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 1° .. 2° / 49° .. 50° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 2° .. 3° / 49° .. 50° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für 2° .. 3° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, (nur Dummywerte)
Höhen für -1° .. 0° / 49° .. 50° eingelesen, Werte -23 .. 358
Höhen für 0° .. 1° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, Werte -16 .. 273
Höhen für -1° .. 0° / 50° .. 51° eingelesen, Werte -6 .. 268
Höhen für 1° .. 2° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, Werte -10 .. 190
Einlesezeit 0.7s
encoding 15057 Subtiles
15057 Subtiles encoded
runtime 12.4s
Anyway , its a great piece of software and am using it daily.
On 23/11/2017 14:48, Frank Stinner
Hi Nick,
there are 2 little problems in your
map mapdem.gmap.
I have rebuild your DEM file. Maybe,
had the N50E000.hgt.zip or N50E000.hgt not found and you have
only "dummydata"
in your file. "dummydata" means a valid DEM with "no
builddemfile --hgtpath=yourpath
create a DEM file with 23781 Byte.
Like Andrzej wrote: you need also a
new TDB.
I have used a quick but very dirty method: I have only for
TDB-build temporary
created the Tile IMG's ov.img and 87827699.img.
gmtool -i mapdem\*.* --join=tile -o
gmtool -i 87827699\*.* --join=tile -o
gmtool -i *.img
--mapseriesname=mapdem --description="Test
preview map" --routable=1 --highestroutable=24
--hasdem=1 --hasprofile=1 --copyright=*I* -o . --overwrite
ren mapdem.tdb mapdem.tdb_
ren neu.tdb mapdem.tdb
del *.img
Of course, in your little demo we can
see a shading. But we can see the values for N, E and height in
the basecamp
status line.
By the way, be careful wit
It's only interest for sea-areas, where don't exist a HGT. But
if a HGT
for land is absent, we have a hole in our map without an error
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