Quick solution: deactivate one map on your GPS.

Better solution: extract both countries from the next bigger area with a custom polygon (I use osmconvert) and make one map
containing both countries.

Am 06.12.2020 um 11:42 schrieb 7770:
How can i avoid that a section of a map (in a gmapsuppA.img) overlays some
neighbouring map (in a different gmapsuppB.img) making it inaccessible on the
GPS unit?

say i have Sweden and Norway, neighbouring countries. Data is downloaded from
goefabrik per country. Splitting and generating map done per country.
Sweden gets --draw-priority=50 and Norway gets 51.
In the border areas, when the tiles are a bit outside of the country, the
Norwegian map overlays the Swedish, details from both maps are visible but one
cannot click on a point on the Swedish (lower) map because the empty Norwegian
map is drawn above.

--transparent option is not used to avoid other non-wanted transparency.
--bounds is used.
--add-boundary-nodes-at-admin-boundaries is used.

Is there some good way to avoid this issue, to make sure that details from the
lower map can be accessed? Perhaps make the splitter more strict on the


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