For my opinion your data sources are very interesting.
This is a short look to the alps, the tile E40N20 from
There seem's to be a little problem at the
near of some coastlines, but we have on the other hand a high resolution
of 25m. I belive, a bigger problem is the coordinate reference system.
Copernicus data have EPSG:3035, garmin use EPSG:4326.
It would be fine, if mkgmap could be read
geotiffs and calculate with different coordinate reference systems. This
would perhaps collect the interpolation for changing the coordinate reference
system and for the garmin map. On the other hand: this is a lot of mathematical
stuff. I'm not a java hacker and i don't know, if there are usable geografic
librarys for this work.
At the moment we have to translate the tiffs
from EPSG:3035 to EPSG:4326, then the segmentation in 1°x1° tiffs an at
last the conversion to hgt files. This should not be a very great problem
with gdal-tools or so, but it is additional work.