honny wrote:
Well, hi, is another solution yet, than using "gmaptool"? :| Why is it overwriting their typ styles? :/
Do you want to join several single map tiles or several gmapsupp.img? AFAIK a single map tile does not contain any information about the family ID. The family ID for a given map-ID-number is in the TDB-file (for mapsource) or in the gmapsupp's header. That's why you cannot join 4 single tiles and have two of them get family 1 and the rest family 2. You have to create 2 gmapsupps first: Suppose you have 4 single map tiles, tile1.img ... tile4.img. You want tiles 1+2 to get family 1234 and 3+4 family 5678. Then you can do this with wgmaptool: gmt.exe -j -o fam1234.img -f 1234,1 tile1.img tile2.img gmt.exe -j -o fam5678.img -f 5678,1 tile3.img tile4.img gmt.exe -j -o gmapsupp.img fam1234.img fam5678.img It does not matter which family-ID the tiles were created with in the first place.