Valentijn Sessink wrote:
Valentijn Sessink schreef:
given the turning penalties Garmin seems to have. But the Nuvi does
really really strange things: it routes me through

... by bicycle (I forgot to mention that.).
forget bicycle mode. Only car / taxi and similar modes work well. Bicycle and Pedestrian are crap anyhow. They drop all road_speed down to 1, and more or less inverse the road_class. With this base for deciding which way to route, all results are obliged to be pure crap!
The speed for the arrival time calculation is 18km/h or if road_speed=0 then 7-10km/h depending on unit/mapsource.

The only maps that kinda work with bicycle / pedestrian mode are the dutch "onroute" maps. I think that knowing the above facts, they simply created maps with road_speed=1 for ways that are supposed to be chosen, and road_speed=0 for those that are not supposed to be chosen.

If you want to have good bicycle routing, you are obliged to reprogram the maps by fooling the GPS with reprogramming the maps so that cycleways have attributes like motorways, and so on - only then routing will work well - of course suffering from the big problem of penalty time at intersections which are too long for bicylce/pedestrian mode. This could be solved by adding additional ways at intersections however.
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