So here comes the promised report. I cannot find a real recession, and am a bit buffled, that the change below works. But so it is...
.exe can be unpacked with 7zip or other unarchivers that understand lzma2 (not lzma !!!).

First the links to the files:

Actually if you install them in Mapsource, you will notice, that the "working" one is displaying as "openmtbmap". That's due to a typo on doing the change.
I noticed that plain maps consisting of .img files created during one mkgmap run, are always working (so mapsetx.... files are working in both maps). mapsetc files however, are somehow broken in the broken.exe. This only happens if gmapsupp is created with Mapinstall/Basecamp or mkgmap. If mkgmap creates the gmapsupp.img they are as said always working. So here is the change in procedure of making the map (the change is that on the first run of mkgmap, I included the 7*.img --- If I include the 7*.img on the .img files, then the created mapset files are broken for Mapsource/Basecamp):

Resulting in broken mapsetc:
start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx10200M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %generate-sea% %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --adjust-turn-headings %precomp-seaxx% --add-pois-to-areas --ignore-maxspeeds --reduce-point-density=3 --x-reduce-point-density-polygon=6  --remove-short-arcs=5.4 --link-pois-to-ways --min-size-polygon=18 --ignore-turn-restrictions --description=velomap_%abr% --merge-lines %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% %profile% --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1 --show-profiles=0 --series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetx --keep-going --area-name="" -c c:\openmtbmap\maps\template.%countryx%

start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx9500M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --description=velomap_%abr% %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% %profile% --show-profiles --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1 --show-profiles=1 --series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetc --keep-going --area-name="" %gmappsupp% %FID%*.img 7*.img

Resulting in working mapsetc:
start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx10200M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %generate-sea% %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --adjust-turn-headings %precomp-seaxx% --add-pois-to-areas --ignore-maxspeeds --reduce-point-density=3 --x-reduce-point-density-polygon=6  --remove-short-arcs=5.4 --link-pois-to-ways --min-size-polygon=18 --ignore-turn-restrictions --description=velomap_%abr% --merge-lines %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% %profile% --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1 --show-profiles=0 --series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetc --keep-going --area-name="" -c c:\openmtbmap\maps\template.%countryx% 7*.img

start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx9500M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --description=velomap_%abr% %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% %profile% --show-profiles --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1 --show-profiles=1 --series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetx --keep-going --area-name="" %gmappsupp% %FID%*.img

However actually the above produced map is make with the following command (but that shouldn't matter - only some things are changed in order, and I missed a blank space before --series-name):
start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx10200M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %generate-sea% %precomp-seaxx% %style-file% %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --adjust-turn-headings --add-pois-to-areas --ignore-maxspeeds --reduce-point-density=3 --x-reduce-point-density-polygon=6 --remove-short-arcs=5.4 --link-pois-to-ways --ignore-turn-restrictions --min-size-polygon=18 --description=velomap_%abr%  --show-profiles=1 --merge-lines %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1--series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetc --keep-going --area-name="" -c c:\openmtbmap\maps\template.%countryx% 7*.img >NUL
@for /R %%i in (*.img) do @if %%~zi==0 del %%i
if not exist mapsetc_mdr.img goto :mapscreated

start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xmx9500M c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar %style-file% --max-jobs=8 %generate-sea% %precomp-seaxx% %style-file% %variable% --nsis %indx% --transparent --description=velomap_%abr% --show-profiles=0 --merge-lines %locationxx% --route --country-abbr=%abr% --country-name=%country% --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% --product-id=1 --series-name=velomap_%country%_%date% --family-name=velomap_%abr%_%date% --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetx --keep-going --area-name="" %FID%*.img >NUL

On 11.01.2013 15:16, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
goes with

The only change that touches the index directly is 2334 on 19 Nov. I'll
see if I can see how Mapsource is mangling the index.
Oops that was the 19 *Sep*, so since it was confirmed OK on Nov 9th, 
that is not the problem.  There is nothing obvious after that date.


mkgmap-dev mailing list

keep on biking and discovering new trails

Felix &