As I am new here, I introduce myself.
I am the author of a Garmin map made with the well known cgpsmapper. I
discovered OpenStreetMap few months earlier and I started to work with
mkgmap. My goal is to produce my map with mkgmap. I am not yet
ready because of these "problems" :
- mkgmap cannot compile one of my big polygons even if I slice it with
- mkgmap produces bigger files than cgpsmapper.
- derspite data come from OSM, routing does not work with my maps in
Mapsource (it is not a real
problem, I cannot also do that with free cgpsmapper).
- mkgmap produces
a different draw of the map when compiled with net and route options :
roads name appear and cities name are not displayed in Mapsource.
For mkgmap routing revision 856 and later :
PolishMapDataSource.java (line 405):
I found a minor bug in polish format reader : the max resolution is
wrong when X != 0 in 'DataX'
Here is the code that works for me work :
private void setResolution(MapElement elem, String name) {
if (endLevel > 0){
} else {
int res = extractResolution(name);
I also noticed with an old Mapsource version (6.11.x) that strings
defined with map.addInfo() and map.addCopyright() in MapBuilder.java
appear in a different order (menu help/about/product info). It might be
a bug from Mapsource...
When you select a map in Mapsource, the column zone is fielded
with "overview map". I activated the option --overview-name and also
--product-info. Changes are done in these 2 files : TdbBuilder.java and
TdbBuilder.java :
public class TdbBuilder implements Combiner {
private static final Logger log =
private OverviewMap overviewSource;
private TdbFile tdb;
private int parent = 63240000;
private String overviewMapname;
private String overviewName;
private int tdbVersion;
* Initialise by saving all the information we require from the
command line
* args.
* @param args The command line arguments as they are at the end of
the list.
* In otherwords if the same argument appears more than once, then
it will
* have the value that was set last.
public void init(CommandArgs args) {
overviewMapname = args.get("overview-mapname", "63240000");
try {
parent = Integer.parseInt(overviewMapname);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.debug("overview map name not an integer",
overviewName = args.get("overview-name", "Overview map");
int familyId = args.get("family-id", 0);
int productId = args.get("product-id", 1);
String seriesName = args.get("series-name", "OSM map");
String familyName = args.get("family-name", "OSM map");
short productVersion = (short)args.get("product-version", 100);
if (args.exists("tdb-v4")) {
tdbVersion = TdbFile.TDB_V407;
} else {
tdbVersion = TdbFile.TDB_V3;
tdb = new TdbFile(tdbVersion);
tdb.setProductInfo(familyId, productId, productVersion, seriesName,
familyName, overviewName);
In private void addToTdb(FileInfo finfo) :
// add a space between mapdesc and first (
String desc = mapdesc + ' (' + mapname + ')';
TdbFile.java :
Add this private class data :
private String overviewName;
public void setProductInfo(int familyId, int productId,
short productVersion, String seriesName, String familyName,
String _overviewName)
headerBlock = new HeaderBlock(tdbVersion);
headerBlock.setFamilyId((short) familyId);
headerBlock.setProductId((short) productId);
overviewName = _overviewName;
Finally, I noticed that Version.VERSION returns 'svn' in mapBuilder.java
As I was looking for why my contour lines and summits with altitude in
meters in my file (polish format .mp) are displayed in meters divided
by 3.2808399 (a feet to meters conversion) - is there a
setting to solve this ? - I found the function distance()
where the earth is supposed to be a sphere which is a pretty good
approximation. After a fast search, I
found this interesting link for distance computation :
WGS84 distance :
spherical distance :
In the case I want to contribute to the code (to correct bugs or
activate functions for example), how can I do this ?
Thank you for your great work.
PS : there is also somewhere a string "OMS map" instead of "OSM map", I
don't remember which file.