Thanks, Steve.  I just wanted to make sure mkgmap would find the numbers by keeping them as close as possible.  I'll follow your advice to take the numbers a few meters apart, just like they are the real world.  If you're using 32-bit floats for coordinates then we indeed have to take them apart.  I think the 32-bit resolution is 7-digit, and that translates to about 5m at the Equator (less at higher latitudes).

all the best,


2014-02-09 11:55 GMT-02:00 Steve Ratcliffe <>:


On 08/02/14 13:44, Paulo Carvalho wrote:
   The attached OSM file is what I'm using in my tests.  I'm now able to
compile the map with the house numbers ok.  But there is a problem
(bug?).  Only a street called "Rua Armando Santos" has street numbers.

Thanks for the good example.

It seems that the house numbers are very close to the road and in this
case mkgmap mistakes the side of the road for one or two of the numbers.
When I moved the nodes in josm just so they were the same distance
apart as the others on the road then it worked.

This is I guess because they are less than 2m apart an so appear to
be the same in mkgmap.  The work that Gerd is doing on the
high-prec-coord branch should make it possible to fix this.

I would not normally suggest changing the data, but when viewed with
the background imagery the points don't look to be on opposite sides
of the road, so it would perhaps be appropriate in this case.

Best wishes


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