Hi Henning,
okay. I think WanMil told me that before, but I forgot again ...
A few details:
mkgmap always reversed routable ways with oneway=-1 or
oneway=reverse after style processing.
With r2944 I've changed the code so that this happens before
calling RoadMerger and also that overlaying
lines are reversed.
If I got that right, the style may use different types for
overlaying lines, depending on the oneway tag,
so if you use the same style for r2943 or older and for current
version, you should see a difference
for oneway=-1 ways.
I don't know how difficult it is to change the style to produce
correct results with current version again,
but you have to remember that the way is reversed, so left will
be right, forward will be backward.
I see two alternatives:
1) mkgmap reverses the way before style processing. This
requires also to reverse all tags like
bicycle:left, car:forward etc, so it is not trivial. On the
other hand, it might allow to merge more
roads in RoadMerger.
2) mkgmap makes sure that overlaying lines are NOT reversed. I
think this can be done
with the attached patch.
By the way: There are also tags on nodes which depend on the
direction of the way, see
I think we can ignore this because in the points file you can't
detect the direction of the way.
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 23:00:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap ToDo list
Am 16.04.2014 22:01, schrieb
Why do you think that it is a bug?
about oneway=-1 and in style you add oneway-arrows (link
mapnik does). In style you will handle -1 special, because
arrows should drawn in oposite direction of way. If mkgmap
now changes direction of the way, arrows should be in
wrong direction, or am I wrong?
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