Ticker Berkin < rwb-mkgmap@jagit.co.uk> hat am 15. Februar 2020 um 14:03 geschrieben:
Hi Arndt
Looking back at the first posting, the messages seem to be fromTYPViewer on the .typ file rather than the .txt file.
What codepage are your TYP .txt files written in? It looks like 1252.How did you generate the .typ from the .txt? If mkgmap, what commandline --code-page did you have? (or --charset). When using mkgmap toconvert .txt to .typ, the --code-page overrides any CodePage= line inthe .txt file.
It is possible that this is where there has been a change. No --code-page specified to mkgmap defaults the map.img to ascii/cp0 I think,but maybe the typ file used to default to its value of 'CodePage', butnow uses the mkgmap value.
The messages TYPview is giving could be because it considers the code-page to be 7-bit ASCII but it is finding strings with the top bit set.
This all seems to fit when what you've just said. When using mkgmap toconvert your .txt, use the same --code-page as you will for your finalmaps.
On Sat, 2020-02-15 at 13:10 +0100, Arndt Röhrig wrote:Hi Ticker,
"and then doesn'tlike various strings that can't be represented in that code page."
That brings me to the idea to look at "ä ö ü" in my typ file. When ikill this, it works better :)
Now, TYPViewer says only this:Unbekannte CodePage-Nummer: 0TYPViewer ersetzte die CodePage mit 1252
When i set the option --latin1 in mkgmap this message is gone. Itseems, that mkgmap ignore the codepage line in the typ-file?
No matter, i know now, what to do, even tough i don´t understand why:)
Thank you for helping me!
Ticker Berkin < rwb-mkgmap@jagit.co.uk> hat am 15. Februar 2020 um12:00 geschrieben:
Is this using something based on resources/typ-files/mapnik.txt
My guessing of a translation of the error messages you are gettingisthat TYPviewer defaults the output code-page to 1252 and thendoesn'tlike various strings that can't be represented in that code page.Try uncommenting the line: CodePage=65001
Having this line will cause harmless warnings from mkgmap when yougenerate a non-unicode map
On Sat, 2020-02-15 at 08:44 +0100, Arndt Röhrig wrote:Good morning,
i use TYPViewer for my typ files. This program reports someerrors,when i open a type file.
My typs are .txt files. So far they are ok. In a first step i usemkgmap to create .typ files. It runs without error messages. Themapseems to be OK. But when i open a typ file with TYPViewer theerrormessages appear. When i edit an element, TYPViewer pop up anerrormessage and close.
i guess the changes in r-4437 do that? Is there something wrongin mytyps?For example the polygone 0x0e:
[_polygon]Type=0x0e;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/AIRPORT_RUNWAYS/Airport runwayarea/Non NTString1=0x02,BürogewerbeExtendedLabels=YFontStyle=NoLabel (invisible)CustomColor=NoXpm="0 0 1 0""1 c #F2D9D8"[end]
P.S. The error message from TYPViewer:
******************************************************************************************************************************************************Fehler in der Datei :C:\ProgramData\GARMIN\Maps\Speiche_Fabrik_Gravel.gmap\Speiche.typ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Unbekannte CodePage-Nummer: 0TYPViewer ersetzte die CodePage mit 1252Wenn dies nicht paßt, wähle eine andere CodePage-Nummer in derAuswahlbox "CodePage"Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x004 SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x00e SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x010 SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x014 SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x01c SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x04e SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des Polygons Type=0x054 SubTypes =0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings der Polylinie Type=0x015 SubTypes=0x00Problem beim Lesen der Strings des POI Type=0x001 SubTypes = 0x00
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