Hi all,

the default style file inc/address starts with these three rules:
# first set the country code
mkgmap:country!=* & mkgmap:admin_level2=* { set mkgmap:country='${mkgmap:admin_level2}' }
mkgmap:country!=* & addr:country=* { set mkgmap:country='${addr:country}' }
mkgmap:country!=* & is_in:country=* { set mkgmap:country='${is_in:country}' }

I found no code in the mkgmap java sources that sets mkgmap:country, so the first rule
will always set mkgmap:country unless one manipulates the OSM data.

The following rules evaluate mkgmap:country and expect the ISO 1366 code with 3 characters, e.g. DEU
for Germany.
The wiki for tag addr:country says that it should contain the 2 character ISO code, e.g. DE for Germany.
The is_in:country tag contains the country name, not the iso code.

I think we should remove the two useless rules unless someone finds a working alternative.
