Andrzej, you are absolutely right. The problem you describe is exactly what I was addressing earlier. I am hoping to allow a user of mkgmap to allow for these differences in behaviour by using a simple text editor, instead of a Java IDE. I propose making this accessible to the masses instead of the very few who have both the knowledge and the time required to change the code of mkgmap, its styles and TYP-files.
You say yourself that there is no single solution - no "one size fits all". That's why I propose that mkgmap should not TRY to be a best-fit compromise, but to provide a flexible platform that allows many more people to get a more optimal result for their device in a more convenient way.
On 2014-05-12 15:15, Andrzej Popowski wrote:
Hi Colin,Users can customise the program and styles or develop their own, but there is no mechanism to support sharing the nuances of each type of device within the distribution.I understand the problem but I don't think mkgmap code or default style is a right place to solve it. We could expect more flexibility to create conditional styles from mkgamp, but any hardcoded dependency on Garmin hardware would be a nightmare to maintain. Another aspect of this problem is that there is no single solution. You could be interested in a map for Oregon while I'm interested in a map for multiple devices. Our expectation for a mkgmap would be different. Each developer decides, what objects to use on a map and which Garmin type assign to an object. Even if I create a topo map, I try to select Garmin types, that are visible in nuvi. I try to select objects for POI, which fit reasonably well with search categories in Mapsource, outdoor device and nuvi. In case of conflicts, I can prefer good solution for outdoor device, while other developer could prefer nuvi. We both could be unsatisfied, if mkgmap would prefer Mapsource. I'm sure that any knowledge about particular behavior of a device is very valuable for a developer. If mkgmap would allow for conditional definition in a style, then your idea could lead to a separated project of creating a configurable default style. I would be interested in it, but I'm sure I won't use it without my own adaptations.