Hi Gerd,

well it got stuck for at least 30 hours on a Ryzen 5 3600 - so not sure it ever finds a solution. Is it ever helpful to use a polygon for resplitting tiles? I guess for resplitting the polygon is not helpful anyhow so I just resplit without polygon-file in general.
Thanks for looking into it.


On Sun, 18 Dec 2022 at 21:47, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Felix,

I am not yet sure what goes wrong. Maybe it is not an endless loop but a very slow one which tries again and again similar
bad splits.

Problem is the polygon which contains large, almost empty areas. I think you should never use it when you re-split.


Von: Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2022 12:14
An: Gerd Petermann
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Deathloop on splitting file created by splitter if using argentina.poly --polygon-file

Well hope you can find the problem, i think it's the second time I have this kind of problem but cannot remember right now on which other country it happened.

On Sun, 18 Dec 2022, 17:36 Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

seems I used version 651 instead of 652. I can reproduce your results now.


Von: Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>>
Gesendet: Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 15:48
An: gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Deathloop on splitting file created by splitter if using argentina.poly --polygon-file

I used the most up to date argentia.poly - That*s very strange. For me it*s getting stuck on calculating areas forever (using next to 0 CPU and RAM).
I'm using oracle java and not openjdk however - can that make a difference? I just updated to oracle Java SDK 17.05 from 16.01. but it stays the same.

Here is the start of my output:
D:\openmtbmap\maps>start /belownormal /b /wait java -Xmx4000m -jar C:\openmtbmap\splitter.jar --max-nodes=1400000 --max-threads=11 --search-limit=1000000 --output=o5m --geonames-file=E:\openmtbmap\osmpbf_geofabrik\cities5000.zip --polygon-file=E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\argentina.poly --description=argentina --mapid=64700017 "64700010.o5m"
Splitter version 652 compiled 2022-06-17T08:25:16+0100
Elapsed time: 0s   Memory: Current 1024MB (4MB used, 1020MB free) Max 4000MB
Time started: Sat Dec 17 15:45:59 CET 2022
Warning: Bounding polygon is complex. Splitter might not be able to fit all tiles into the polygon!
Map is being split for resolution 13:
 - area boundaries are aligned to 0x800 map units (0.0439453125 degrees)
 - areas are multiples of 0x800 map units wide and high
Processing 64700010.o5m
Bounding box -59.897460900000006 -35.1123046 -56.733398400000006 -34.453125
Fill-densities-map pass took 203 ms
Exact map coverage read from input file(s) is (-35.1123046875,-59.8974609375) to (-34.453125,-56.7333984375)
Exact map coverage after applying bounding box of polygon-file is (-35.1123046875,-59.8974609375) to (-34.453125,-56.7333984375)
Rounded map coverage is (-35.1123046875,-59.8974609375) to (-34.453125,-56.7333984375)
Splitting nodes into areas containing a maximum of 1 400 000 nodes each...
splitting none
Highest node count in a single grid element is 98 584
Highest node count in a single grid element within the bounding polygon is 98 584
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.83203125) to (-34.4970703125,-57.744140625) with 3 972 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S2 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 3972 (0 %), cache size 0
S2 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 3972 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 3972 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.744140625) to (-34.541015625,-57.65625) with 1 869 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S4 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1869 (0 %), cache size 0
S4 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1869 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1869 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.65625) to (-34.5849609375,-57.6123046875) with 1 891 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S6 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1891 (0 %), cache size 0
S6 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1891 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1891 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.6123046875) to (-34.62890625,-57.5244140625) with 5 871 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S8 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5871 (0 %), cache size 0
S8 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5871 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5871 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.5244140625) to (-34.6728515625,-57.4365234375) with 5 595 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S10 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5595 (0 %), cache size 0
S10 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5595 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 5595 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.4365234375) to (-34.716796875,-57.3486328125) with 892 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S12 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 892 (0 %), cache size 0
S12 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 892 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 892 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.3486328125) to (-34.7607421875,-57.2607421875) with 7 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S14 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 7 (0 %), cache size 0
S14 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 7 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 7 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.2607421875) to (-34.8046875,-57.1728515625) with 9 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S16 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %), cache size 0
S16 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.1728515625) to (-34.8486328125,-57.12890625) with 9 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S18 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %), cache size 0
S18 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S20 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S20 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S22 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S22 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S24 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S24 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S26 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S26 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S28 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S28 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S30 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S30 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S32 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S32 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S34 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S34 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S36 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S36 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.041015625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 1 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S38 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %), cache size 0
S38 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 1 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.0244140625,-56.953125) to (-34.98046875,-56.865234375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.953125) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.98046875,-57.12890625) to (-34.9365234375,-56.953125) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.865234375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S40 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S40 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S42 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S42 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S44 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S44 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S46 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S46 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-56.77734375) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S48 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S48 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.12890625) to (-35.068359375,-56.7333984375) with 6 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S50 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %), cache size 0
S50 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 1000000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 6 (0 %)
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-34.9365234375,-57.12890625) to (-34.892578125,-57.041015625) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-56.865234375) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.068359375,-57.12890625) to (-35.0244140625,-56.77734375) with 0 nodes, goal is to get near 0 tiles
Splitting tile (-35.1123046875,-57.1728515625) to (-34.8486328125,-57.12890625) with 9 nodes, goal is to get near 1 tiles
S52 FULL: step 1 goal: 1 tiles, now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %), cache size 0
S52 FULL goal was 1 tiles, solver finished with : 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 9 (0 %)

On Sat, 17 Dec 2022 at 16:20, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com><mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

cannot reproduce the loop here. Maybe the content of the current argentina.poly differs from yours?

BTW: I see much better runtime with just java -jar -Xmx4G d:\splitter\dist\splitter.jar
instead of java  -XX:+AggressiveHeap -Xms5000M -Xmx40000m -jar d:\splitter\dist\splitter.jar using openjdk version "11.0.15" 2022-04-19


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk><mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com><mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>>>
Gesendet: Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 07:30
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] Deathloop on splitting file created by splitter if using argentina.poly --polygon-file


I tried resplitting a file that was too big for the map creation using splitter - and if I use the boundary file splitter.jar is getting stuck finding a solution (until killed).

start /belownormal /b /wait java -XX:+AggressiveHeap -Xms5000M -Xmx40000m -jar C:\openmtbmap\splitter.jar --max-nodes=1400000 --output=o5m --geonames-file=E:\openmtbmap\osmpbf_geofabrik\cities5000.zip --polygon-file=E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\argentina.poly --description=argentina --mapid=64700017 "64700010.o5m"

If leaving out the polygon-file it works without problems to resplit it again.

Command used to create the file that fails to be splitted again:
C:\openmtbmap\splitter.jar "--precomp-sea=E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\sea.zip" --polygon-file=E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\argentina.poly --max-nodes=2800000 --max-threads=11 --search-limit=1000000 --output=o5m "--keep-complete" --route-rel-values=mtb,bicycle,foot,hiking,road,mountainbike,ferry,shuttle_train,subway,train,tram,river,canal,ski,piste,walking --max-areas=4000  --geonames-file=E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\cities5000.zip  --description=argentina --mapid=64700000 E:\OpenMTBMap\osmpbf_geofabrik\argentina.o5m  1>NUL

However I also uploaded the file for debug:

I don't think there is a problem in general with splitting a file splitted by spliter.jar again using smaller max-nodes and using polygon-file option. Something is special here that it fails (happened already one week ago with a 7 day older geofabrik extract)

Felix Hartman - Outdoormaps LTD - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Outdoormaps LTD - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

Felix Hartman - Outdoormaps LTD - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org