pbf files generated by osmconvert.exe appear to be incompatible with mkgmap.

>Error at line 1, col 1
>Bad file format: cumbria.pbf
>Error parsing file

Test sequence:
1. compile a pbf file generated by splitter - good
2. convert this file to osm with osmconvert.exe and compile - good
3. convert the osm file back to pbf with osmconvert.exe and compile - fails.

Comparison of the 'before' and 'after' pbf files with a hex editor shows that they are very different (although they are the same at line 1 column 1). The 'after' file is about 230k smaller (in about 5M) than the 'before' file.

I am using osmconvert version 0.7N and mkgmap 2353.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?


Roger Calvert