Thanks Steve. I have now tried r2187, and it seems to have sorted it out. Many thanks.


Roger Calvert

On 29/01/2012 17:33, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
On 29/01/12 17:18, Roger Calvert wrote:
Thanks, Steve. But that was not my main problem.

The input TXT file has 32 entries in drawOrder. The output TYP file only
has 5, and does not render correctly on Mapsource.
The two files are attached.
Did you try the fix? It does work for me. The draw order section
is larger with the fix than without.

Before the fix 0x0200 and 0x0300 etc were all being treated as 0x00 I

Sorry if that wasn't clear, but the fix was so simple it was quicker
to just fix it than work out exactly what was happening!

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