Yes I just tried on a very small file and it seemed to work. Did it work for you for the whole of Austria?
when parsing the whole of Austria I indeed get 6 polylines with route=xy consisting of 380 nodes according to analysis with maptk. However there should be many many more (including the whole Donauradwanderweg).

For me it also didn't work with a small test.osm extracted by Josm (covering a small section of the Donauradwanderweg).

Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
Re: [mkgmap-dev] Relations File doesn't seem to work for routes


On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 09:27:42PM +0100, Felix Hartmann wrote:
> 1. After spending much time trying to get type=route route=bicycle to 
> work I give up. I think the actions set in the relations file are simply 
> not used, or at least not the apply command on routes.

I am puzzled, I have just tried copying and pasting the rules that you
gave and using them on a small test map and it worked fine.

I am downloading austria.osm from geofabrik and will try it out
and post my results if I can't work out what you are seeing.

> 2.
> How can I create a map with mkgmap without parsing the name= key? (i 
> need this because I wan't to create a map that I can use as transparent 
> overlay showing only oneway streets, without actually including the name 
> key, in order to keep a smaller. Would I need to do this within 
> relations file or in lines file?

If you use the action:

        name ''

this will result in no name being added to the file.

More concrete example in the lines file, putting the following at the top:

highway=* { name ''}

Would result in all highway's not having a name.  There is not a ruleset
that is applied to everything unfortunately, but you can add the name rule
everywhere as needed.

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