I still cannot get --index to work on the GPS.

Find places in Mapsource is available, but the state/province is greyed out.

In the GPS address search is still unavailable.

It requires a province name, which it can’t find.(nothing new, but expected to be solved with --index)

I set the --region-name & --location-autofill, but it does not seem to have an effect.

City search in Mapsource shows City, City, Country indicating that the region info is maybe lost somewhere (if I understand this correct it should be City, City, Region, Country). This is actualy confusing. If I compile without --region-name, the Find shows up as City, City (leaving out the default ABC countryname that shows up when compiled with --Region-name=***).Does this mean that region is actualy an alternative for country and not for province?


The problem could also be device specific. I use a Nuvi 200W (SW Ver 4.00 & unwilling to update), and maybe it just can't cope, but it seems to me that the region province info is already missing in MapSource, so I don't want to give up on the device just yet.


Could it be insufficient OSM data? I don't understand relations very well, but I have seen is_in info in the data, with province names (although I don't see where the device will be informed that it is a province name). Should the province be set as a point / node somewhere or is province / region data just collected from cities' / streets' is_in info, or maybe from the relations of admin borders? Shouldn't --region-name option overide bad OSM data in this case (I mean provide region info that is not available from the OSM data- but then again if region is not equivalent to province it won't help) What exactly is the difference between --region-name and --country-name?


Can someone please direct me to an OSM area (small if possible) that is known to work correct, and indicate the --options used to compile a map.


My apologies if this is a known issue and I missed it somewhere. Zipped forum archives remains unavailable to me.


Do you plan to include --index in resources\help\en\options soon?


Something like:


--index creates mdr & mdx files to enable address searching. It will make the FIND PLACES function in MapSource available, and should enable address searching on a GPS if the maps are send to the GPS via mapsource. If --overview-mapname is not specified it will default to "OSM Map". This will make --road-name-pois redundant if the GPS unit is compatible. Should the --tdbfile option still be used?

The reg file should look something like this:




"ID"= hex:CD,AB  #hex format of family Id; least significant byte, most significant byte; Ax163 Bx162 Cx161 Dx160

"IDX"="C:\\Garmin\\OSM\\ TDBFileName.mdx"

"MDR"="C:\\Garmin\\OSM\\ \TDBFileName_mdr.img"



"LOC"="C:\\Garmin\\OSM\\ "

"BMAP"="C:\\Garmin\\OSM\\ TDBFileName.img"

"TDB"="C:\\Garmin\\OSM\\ TDBFileName.tdb"


