2009/8/21 Mark Burton <markb@ordern.com>


> No I'm still unable to get routes and overlays to show up on the map.
> either using 1140 with multiple elements patch (no other patches), nor with
> clean svn version.

That's sad.

I don't know what you mean by routes or overlays so I can't imagine
what the problem is. If you could supply more info about what you are
doing, perhaps it will become clear. Is it a styling issue? Related to
types? Give me a clue.

Is anyone else seeing issues with 1140?


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Overlays. I mean the overlays file in the style-files. Before 1139 if you had a line in your lines file saysing for example:
highway=footway & highway=cycleway [0x123 resolution 20] you could now define in the overlays file  0x123:   0x2a,   0x0c
and both 0x2a and 0x0c were included in the map at the same place. So if your footway looks like 0x0x0x (with 0 being transparent in typfile, and x being a color) and cycleway y0y0y0 (with y being another color), the result would be both footway and cycleway rendered as yxyxyx.

routes... ups sorry should have said relations. Anything written to the relations file is not enacted anymore.

Is noone else using these features? Thilo, what about you? Are you able to use 1140 as a base?