Hi, and thanks for your quick response,

I can check the firmware version, that's a good thought.

This is my first OSM map.  I've never seen this problem with the GPS unit before, and it started immediately after I loaded the map.  I'm on OSX, and I copied into a folder called "Garmin" on the device using USB mass storage mode.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 6:50 AM, <charlie@cferrero.net> wrote:
Quoting "andris@inveneo.org" <abjornson@inveneo.org>:

> Hi all,
> I am with Inveneo (www.inveneo.org) and arrive in Port-au-Princd tomorrow to
> begin deploying a wireless network in support of relief efforts there.  I
> have successfully loaded the latest OSM on my Garmin 76CSx and it's
> fantastic, will be very useful there.  However, when I turn off the unit, I
> get I constant low alarm tone.  The only way to make it stop is to remove
> batteries.  When I reinsert the batteries, the unit remains in a powered off
> state until I turn it on..after that it acts normally until I turn it off
> again.
> Any thoughts?
> Andris
> --
I'd be incredibly surprised if this problem was caused by the OSM data
or the mkgmap build process.  I have successfully used many OSM maps
on my GPSMap76Csx (though, admittedly, not Haiti) without this issue.
Are you running the latest firmware?  And have you tried other OSM maps?


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andris bjornson
project engineer

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