Thanks Carlos; I haven't but will try it out when I have more
El 09/11/16 a las 22:50, nwillink escribió:Have you tried phyghtmap?
> Hi Gerd
> I realise this has been discussed before but I certainly have been
> unable to convert m to ft in contour mps created by Groundtruth.
> It seems mkgmap ignores *Elevation=m* and presumes numerical data, ie
> label=50 refers to feet by default.
> As a result Basecamp /always / treats the resulting img as containing feet
> data which when converted to metric is never rounded off to the nearest 10.
> An example of a contour mp containic metric data can be found here
> <>
> Its not urgent as I can use srtm2osm which works fine although it's slower.
> Thanks
> Nick
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