I'm having troubles on rendering tunnels properly on secondary ways. I have my typ file with a dark line (0x11), in the line's style file I set:

highway=secondary & ( network=e-road | int_ref=* ) [0x04 resolution 18-19 continue]
highway=secondary  [0x04 road_class=2 road_speed=3 resolution 20 continue]
highway=secondary & tunnel=yes [0x11 road_class=2 road_speed=3 resolution 21]

however I can't see those tunnels... what's is wrong in the logic? I though i fully understand the meaning of "continue".

 On the other side on primary roads, where I have  0x10202 and 0x03 defined in the typ file I can see tunnels properly:

highway=primary & ( network=e-road | int_ref=* ) [0x10202 resolution 15-17 continue]
highway=primary [0x10202 road_class=3 road_speed=4 resolution 18-21 continue]
highway=primary & tunnel=yes [0x11 road_class=3 road_speed=4 resolution 22]
highway=primary [0x03 roadclass=3 road_speed=4 resolution 22]

Any hint is appreciated, thanks
