Hello @all
my PC is not he best machine. 4GB RAM & Intel CoreDuo 3GHz 64bit Win7.
Making maps from Europa is no problem, but at the end of the process, mkgmap failed to build  mdx/mdr.
For the website www.speichenkarte.de i need germany and a few kilometers more. Size of the files after "splitter" is 2,8 Gb and 213 img-files.
mkgmap 3426 is to be able to build this.
mkgmap 3472 failed to build  mdx/mdr. Also the gmapsupp dosn´t work/no shown.
Need 3472 needs more computing power than 3426?
Is it possible change mkgmap, to create mdr/mdx and gmapsupp wiss less cumputer power?
Best regards
Sorry for the bad english, hope you understand what i mean :)