Thanks for the feedbacks, I don't think I'm creating imgs files and then merge them - as Colin is doing. What I do is the following:
1. download some countries *.pbf files from geofabick and place in a $DATA folder
2. run splitter on them (java -jar $SPLITTER_HOME/splitter.jar --output-dir="$DATA" $DATA/*.pbf)
3. run mkgmap on the splittered pbf files (java -jar $MKGMAP_HOME/mkgmap.jar --route --remove-short-arcs --add-pois-to-areas --index --gmapsupp --output-dir="$DATA" $DATA/6*osm.pbf);
Do you mean I should first collate the *pbf together in a sinfle pbf file (using osmconvert or similar) or should I get since the beginning a single pbf/osm file containing the whole area I want to process?