Great - patch is working. Colombia compiled fine for me now (and if you don't hear from me again about this in the next 30min, South-America will have compiled fine too)...
On 20.11.2014 15:48, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

Thanks for reporting this.

There was more than one problem.  Although, since the number that is
read is not used, most of the fixes will not be noticeable.

The visible problems that are fixed are:

1. Any house or phone number that began with ':' and had an even
number of characters overall would crash.

2. Any house or phone number that contained a ':' would have it
converted to '-'.

Patch attached and a pre-compiled jar is at


I'm getting an assertion error compiling two of my maps (Colombia and
Venezuela) with mkgmap r3350
Number of MapFailedExceptions: 0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: Invalid label
offset found 16091027

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Felix &