As I'm not sure everyone is following the other topic, I would like to ask to introduce the possibility to set different values for the DP filter based on resolution.

Why is this important?

a) maps which are produced with resolution 23 as highest resolution need to have a much lower level than subsequent resolutions. 
b) For resolution 23 and 22 a lower level makes sense - it is not needed as much here to speed up the gps device map drawing speed, while for lower resolutions like 18-21 a high level is really needed else map panning becomes painfully slow (usually basemap kicks in at 17).

If I'm correct right now 2.6 at resolution 23 would be 5.4 at resolution 22, 10.8 at resolution 21 and so on. It's okay to keep that behaviour - but the value doubled just needs to be possible to be set for each resolution. It doesn't matter to me if we keep it like that or if we change the numbers than ourselves by resolution. Important thing is that it's possible to be set for each resolution

c) maybe also introduce the possibility to set DP for resolution 24. I think a value of 0.3-0.6 could be worth it. I'm not sure if there were some problems preventing DP to be used at 24. However as by now I think mkgmap is able to produce routable maps starting at 23 instead of 24, those problems should be fixed...
In general I think a map made for automotive use (car, motorcycle) would be fine using resolution 23 as a start instead of 24. Like Garmin City Navigator maps do. But then yes it's really important to not have a high DP value on resolution 23. Same as contourlines only maps which make sense at resolution 23 instead of 24.

Felix Hartman - &