I'd say the result is not completely wrong.
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:02:34 +0100
From: cdavilam@orangecorreo.es
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] multi-word street search
El 11/12/14 a las 23:08, Andrzej Popowski escribió:
> Hi,
> I have made some minor changes to mixed-index branch, patch is
> attached. Like I said before, I think this is workable solution. See
> pictures from Mapsource and nuvi.
> I have created jar for tests:
> http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/239/mkgmap.jar
> The only feature I have added is a break at opening parenthesis "(",
> so text after parenthesis is not added to multi-word index.
Your patched version works better for me with the same examples of my
previous mail, but there are still some issues. If I search for way
127988768 which is tagged with name=Avenida de Abelardo Nuñez,
ref=ZA-P-2661 see what happens:
1: Typing "Avenida de ab" displays some streets before searched string.
See multiword1.png. If I select "Za-P-2661 Avenida de Abelardo Nuñez" or
"Avenida de Abelardo Nuñez (Za-P-2661)" nothing is found (Not valid
street message).
2: Typing "Abelardo" selection list only shows streets containing that
string. See multiword2.png. If I select "Za-P-2661 Avenida de Abelardo
Nuñez" it is correctly found, but if I select "Avenida de Abelardo Nuñez
(Za-P-2661)" nothing is found (No error message).
3: Typing any string between "n" and "nuñez" results in a list that has
nothing to do with the searched string. See multiword3.png
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