no luck.... think it got worse as there is now suddenly text in (I assume) the copyright section which belongs to the map: 'Centre de Conf....).
Here just copy paste of the text inside the Copyright Dialog Box of Basecamp:

(c) Contour data: U.S. Geological Survey or J. de Ferranti (free for research and private use)
(c) Map data: OSM contributors ������ (ODbl)
(c) Map: FZK project äöüéèê (free for research and private use)
(c) Map data: OSM contributors äöüéèê (ODbl)
(c) Contour data: U.S. Geological Survey or J. de Ferranti (free for research and private use)

(c) Map: FZK project ������ (free for research and private use)
Centre de Conf�rence et de Congr�s International (Salle municipale)
centrale de Vianden (Station �lectrique)

The last two lines are what does not belong to it.... obviously.


On 04.12.2016 18:07, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

Hi Patrik

OK, well try this out:

This writes the copyright file text as labels encoded as cp1252
regardless of what the actual code-page in use is.  That is just
wierd but may work.  Also possible that only ascii characters are
allowed, but see how that goes.


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