Well that's taking big streets. With my maps I'm happy when it routes 10-40km on the Vista HCx (or max about 50 turns), and 40-150km in Mapsource (or max about 150turns).Felix,After playing around a bit on my Vista HCx I did notice slightly different routing too. The maximum distance that it manages without "route calculation error" did not change however.On the HCx, I just tried an 800Km route from where I live to Thurso and it took quite a while (stuck on 100% for a minute or two) but it did eventually calculate a sensible route.
I think this is correct, but will not help much for non car centric maps (car centric in the way that motorways have few intersections, and have no sharp turns on intersections). For car centric maps the patches might help more, because here you route over many tiles and therefore the more efficient the underlying data, the better.Today's offering includes the table A tweak but it also increases one of the limits that determine when a route centre needs to be sub-divided. As far as I can tell, the limit was somewhat smaller than it should have been. So with this patch, fewer routing centres should be required (obviously depends on the map data).Routing in Mapsource is now different too. So far I have found one route that does not calculate with the old version, but with the new. The difference is however 2-3 more turns, so no drastical improvement. Maybe some routes also degrade?I guess that is possible but I would hope that the overall effect is beneficial. I'm (optimistically) working on the theory that increasing the size of the route centres makes the route calculation easier/quicker. That could, of course, be complete rubbish.
With the current patch, my GB map is around 172 MB compared to 180 without so the space saving is worth having if not dramatic. Cheers, Mark _______________________________________________ mkgmap-dev mailing list mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/mkgmap-dev